Stylized Stone Floor Substance File
What you get:
PBR "Hand Painted" Stylized Stone floor sbsar file
Changeable attributes:
>Level slider - amount of overall dirt
>Contrast slider - contrast of the dirt mask
>Height slider - Where the dirt starts to appear based on height map info
>>Colour - Control the colour of the dirt through HSL sliders
>Warp Amount - Control the edge warp of the bricks
>>Colour - Control the colour of the bricks through HSL sliders
>Highlight Amount - Control how visible the edge highlighting is
>>Highlight Colour - Control the colour of the highlights through HSL sliders
>Paint Style - 4 different styles to choose from
>>Cracks Mask - Control how many bricks have cracks
>>Cracks Mask Break-up - Further control of the Cracks Mask
>>Cracks Opacity - Control the amount the cracks show
File Output:
>Resolution - 256, 512, 1024, 2048
(recommended: 512, 1024, or 2048)
>Random Seed - Randomize core nodes according to seed values.